Farm Market
681 Closter Dock Rd, Closter, NJ 07624
Winter hours:
Friday - Sunday: 11am - 2pm
Parking is available on the farm. When the lot is full, you are welcome to park on Lake Rd., but please respect our neighbors!
Availability lists are published on our Instagram and Facebook pages weekly for now. Scroll down to see more.
Become a Friend of the Farm and get first access to classes and events, rotating discounts and Closter Farm swag! For more information please see below, or to purchase a share click this button:
Interested in becoming a vendor? Please fill out the form via the button below and email to farmer@closterfarm.com.
Gift Cards:
Share your love of local veggies with a friend!

What we grow:
Salad mix, heirloom tomatoes, sweet and hot peppers, eggplant, summer squash, winter squash, kale, Swiss chard, carrots, radish, turnips, beets, potatoes, onions, garlic, arugula, spinach, chicory, cucumbers, fresh herbs, broccoli, cabbage, Asian greens, kohlrabi, celery, peas, beans, and more!
We will also have:
Fresh and frozen pasture raised, Organic chicken, honey, cut flowers, grass-fed, grass-finished beef, pasture-raised and heritage pork, Organic mushrooms, and eggs. As well as Heritage breed turkeys for Thanksgiving from Double Brook Farm in Hopewell, NJ.

Want to stay up to date with our weekly offerings? Sign up for our emails!
Still have questions? Email farmer@closterfarm.com